OK, I KNOW it's bad manners to find humor with something like the DC sniper attacks, so I won't post Laurence Simon's tips on how to stay safe from the sniper. But they're here if you'd like to read them yourselves. (Via Vodkapundit).
I have been a bit lost this week since James Lileks has taken a mini-sabbatical from his Daily Bleat due to babysitting duties. Luckily his columns continue in a couple of different places. Here's one on who's to blame for the Balinese bombings.
Another amusement - and much less serious. Here's a website entitled "Baby's Named a Bad, Bad Thing: A Primer on Parent Cruelty." It takes postings from two different baby-naming boards and adds some clever commentary on parents' baby name choices. The intro reads:
As you will see, some parents-to-be have gone so far into the rhelm (sic) of baby-obsession they have lost track of the real, adult world. Their view is so skewed their only concerns are a) making their child "unique" and b) trying to keep the kid from being teased, often with terrible results.
Steel yourself, take a few deep breaths, and read.
Here are a few of the entries, along with the responses:
My first daughter name is Unique Melanie McClood I wanted her first name to be unique and she has my first name s her middle. I am 7 months pregnant and if its a girl her name will be Angel or Destiny Lanell McClood.If its a boy his name will be Maki(ma-ky-i)Donte'.
Alright, I'll give her credit for skipping to the chase and just naming the kid "Unique." None of this Amberashlynn Daysharla cr*p. Save everyone the time and tell them exactly what to think. But, damn it, there's no way on this earth you can make people pronounce Maki with three syllables. Not unless you pay everyone on earth at least $50. More to the Japanese, who will laugh their asses off that you're naming your baby after a type of sushi.
I was thinking of the name Blaise but I don't know if it should be the first or middle name.
I think it should be a felony.
what about Jackie-O for a girl or Sinead?
Tough call. It all hinges on what hairdo you were planning.
Thazel is a name I've wanted to use for either a boy or a girl. Is that name too weird? It's a combination of my grandmothers who pasted away just three weeks apart. (Thelma and Hazel)
"So where'd you get that interesting name, Thazel?"
"A string of mysterious tragedies. Now I'm haunted by two bickering old ladies from far beyond the grave."
"Oh, that's nice."
Personally speaking, I think they should go with Hezelma which sounds rather like a Jewish blessing.
[Or in this case, a curse.]
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Quote du jour:
"I cannot tell what the dickens his name is."
-- William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) English dramatist, poet
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