I am being a bad employee. Even as I type, there is a fire drill going on in our building, and I am NOT participating in it. I have shut my door and am typing away while all the good doobies are standing around in "the nearest fire exit" and are awaiting "further instructions."
Now, I can understand why some of my fellow colleagues are more sensitive to this than I am. After all, they burned down the Meridian Bank Building here in Philly ten years ago. Well, not them personally, but the fire started on their floor and destroyed a skyscraper.
When I first joined this company, our office was on the second floor of Eight Penn Center, so we routinely ignored the fire alarms since we didn't have that far to go. Even when we moved to the 30th floor of One Liberty, we still ignored them, mostly because we figured we were goners anyway, plus they had the drills every bloody day and there was considerable "wolf crying" going on. Now that we're here on the 10th Floor of Two Logan (a.k.a, "The Middle of Nowhere"), I should probably participate since we're high enough that we can't jump but low enough that it could make a difference.
[But as noted above, I am a bad employee.]
Besides, I'm working. Well, I'm typing THIS right now, but I have been a model of productivity for the past two days. I was so busy yesterday that by the time I actually looked at my clock, it was 4:30 and I had forgotten to eat lunch. And I hadn't written The Diddakoi for two days - mea culpa. I brought you a present though: