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Updated: 02/10/02

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What's on the nightstand

by Lisa Crihfield Dalby

be all i can be

the thrill of victory

Sunday, 10 February, 2002

This morning was even warmer than yesterday, although it was overcast so not quite up to the brilliant jewel status of Saturday morning. I skated in Fairmount Park - did about 10K - and stopped for coffee near the dog park. About a dozen dogs at various times, including a Shiba Inu, a beautiful little animal that looks like a small Akita with a fox face. Oh, and Oliver. Not sure what Oliver was, other than young, energetic and apparently possessed of selective hearing as his owners called and pleaded for him to stop doing whatever energetic activity he was currently engaged in.

Back in Columbus again tonight. Flight was fine until about 20 minutes prior to landing when we hit some "weather." Bounce, bounce, bouncity, BOUNCE, bounce. I was my usual freak self about it, with fingernails imbedded in the armrest. The plane was nearly empty, so I quickly scouted out my options of people to sit with in the event we began auguring in. The 20-something Enrique Iglesias look-alike across the aisle was also clutching the armrest and we exchanged a look of shared panic, so I figured he would understand if I threw myself across the plane at him, sobbing. As luck would have it though, the bumps stopped shortly thereafter and we landed without incident.

There is one thing about Columbus that I really like, and that is The Lofts Hotel. It's part of the Crown Plaza chain [yes, the Holiday Inn people] but this is a converted warehouse with ten foot ceilings, exposed brick walls, very contemporary look. They gave me a suite this time. Pretty sweet.

At least this trip I have Marsha with me, so I can do some work and check e-mails and such while I'm here. Quick trip - we have a meeting tomorrow morning and then I'm back to Philly on a 3:30 flight. The rest of my team isn't due in until later so I wandered out in search of dinner.

I found yet another convention in town. The restaurant downstairs in the hotel was packed. Last time it was the National Association of Yokels, but this one is different. Educators. Severe, stern looking people wearing horn-rimmed glasses and carrying rulers in their hands.

[Just kidding.]

Luckily, "Educators" don't go to Morton's steakhouse, so it was easy to find space at the bar. I had a salad and lobster bisque - quite tasty. I read my book [which is GREAT, BTW], talked to Bob the bartender and watched the Olympic Games.

As we were watching the women's 3000 meter speedskating event, a man and his wife came into the bar to watch. We chatted about the sport - and the impressive physiques of the competitors - yikes! - and watched the event. The guy said he'd tried speedskating once, but it was too difficult since they don't have any picks in the toes, so they can't stop. He and his wife left, and Bob informed me that the man was Grant Marshall, one of the players on the Columbus Blue Jackets' NHL team!

[Who said Columbus was provincial?]

~ ~ ~

Quote du jour:

"I went to a fight the other day
and a hockey game broke out."

-- Rodney Dangerfield

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