Rex Murphy at The Globe and Mail writes about entertainment stars and their tendency to force their opinions to become Causes, like "We Are The World":
It was, now that I think of it, a very Christmas moment. Hearts as big as the Ritz. Save the rain forest. End world hunger. Liberate Poland. There is nothing on Earth that the cast of Friends, a satellite feed from Elizabeth Taylor and a skein of supermodels in their underwear can't save us from. It's Christmas every day on Entertainment Tonight.
Well, the pressure's on. The Weather Charletans have been pushing the idea that we're going to have snow for Christmas this year. Call me a skeptic, but I'm figuring we're more likely to get drizzle-flur. Tune in tomorrow. . .
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Quote du jour:
"No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place."
-- Zen Proverb
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