Have been busy planning my rather brutal fall travel schedule today. Trying to figure out the airlines' bizarro fare schedules - who would have thought that ADDING another stop to a journey would reduce the fare by $1,700? We had quite a time trying to find hotel space in Bermuda - Hurricane Fabian ran over the island and trashed two of the bigger hotels, so space is at a premium.
And between my travel schedule, Ellen's and George's, the three of us cannot find a day to have our birthday dinner until November. That's OK though - we've decided to continue celebrating our birthday(s) all year long.
[Suki is NOT going to be happy about all this traveling.]
Speaking of cats and traveling . . . here's a hard-to-believe story about a cat who was returned to his owner . . . after TEN years!
SAN CARLOS, Calif. - A feline named for a character in the movie "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure" has completed an amazing adventure of his own — he has been reunited with his owner a decade after vanishing from home.
Ted was found about 13 miles south of where he used to live in Burlingame. The black cat was brought to the Peninsula Humane Society's animal shelter, which tracked down Chris Inglis using a microchip implanted in Ted before he disapeared in 1993.
"It's pretty monumental," Inglis said. "It's almost surreal."
I would agree, but I think this is an even funnier animal story:
Police reined in over horse-cart charge
SYDNEY (Reuters) - An Australian judge has thrown out a case against a man caught using a mobile phone while driving a horse and carriage, saying police who brought the charges "look a bit silly".
Melbourne's Magistrates Court heard that a police car with flashing lights pulled over coachman Dean Crichton as his horse-drawn carriage was travelling at about four km an hour (two mph) down a major Melbourne street in May.
It is illegal to use a mobile phone while driving in most states in Australia.
Crichton pleaded guilty. His lawyer James Dowsley told the court Crichton was on a business call and said it was difficult to pull over a horse-drawn carriage quickly.
Quote du jour:
"Never say anything on the phone that you wouldn't want your mother to hear at your trial."
-- Sydney Biddle Barrows (1952 - ____) US madam
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