Looks like fun, actually. On the weekends, they are out there all the time going past the marina. Makes me wonder what the guides are telling them about what they are seeing. If it's anything like the horse-drawn carriages drivers around the Liberty Bell, they're making most of it up as they go along.
And just in case you didn't know what to say when you see the ducks, here is one of my favorite Steve Martin bits:
"Many people won't know what to say when the ducks show up, but I will.
Maybe I'll say "Oh ducks, oh ducks, oh ducks," or just "Ducks wonderful
ducks!" I practice these sayings every day, and even though the ducks
haven't come yet, when they do, I'll know what to say."
Quote du jour:
"Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath."
-- Michael Caine (1933 - ____) English actor
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