[Tiaras? What tiaras?]
I flew back on a red-eye to Philly, arriving about 6:00 a.m. Monday morning. I noticed that my ankles were quite swollen, which I attributed to the long cramped flight. I went home, kissed the cat, showered and went to work.
Unfortunately, my left lower leg remained swollen all day and it caused me a bit of concern. I called Dr. Gary and he had me come over so he could take a look at it. After prodding and poking for a bit, he picked up the phone and said, "There's a young woman that will be walking into the ER in about three minutes. I want her to be processed through immediately and put in a room. She's going to have an ultrasound on her left leg." He said he was concerned that I might have Deep Vein Thrombosis, a condition that can lead to blood clots and embolisms.
Now this is the kind of friend you need in a hospital! As soon as I arrived, I was whisked away, put in a gown, installed on a gurney and prodded and poked some more. They took blood (*ouch*) and gave me a cardiogram, leaving me to watch TV between proddings. They took me up to have an ultrasound done on my leg - not the best massage I've ever had, but not bad.
All in all, the whole process took about two hours, and I was extremely impressed with all of the hospital staff.
Luckily, they didn't find anything, just fluid build-up in my leg. They recommended moving around more during flights, wearing support stockings, and taking aspirin - all of which I will try shortly, as I am at the airport waiting for my flight to London.
[See ya!]
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Quote du jour:
"A Hospital is no place to be sick.
-- Samuel Goldwyn (1882 - 1974) US producer
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