Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund - BAD
[If you have to ask what it is, you don't want to know. If you already know, well, I'm sorry.]
"Someone You Should Know" on Blackfive.net - GOOD
Prisoner abuse at Al-Ghraib - BAD
Abusive soldier convicted in court martial - GOOD
Brutal murder of Nick Berg - BAD
Roundup of good news from Iraq on Chrenkoff.blogspot.com - GOOD
The restaurant at the Hyatt Penn's Landing - BAD
[Or at least expensive and rude.]
Lunch at Rock Lobster on a beautiful Sunday - GOOD
Emmy taking a chunk out of Oscar's side this week - BAD
[And what did Miss Manners say about using other dogs as chew toys?]
Arrival of the 17 Year Cicadas - Well . . .
[We'll have to ask Oscar how they taste.]
Quote du jour:
"The evil that men do lives on the front pages of greedy newspapers, but the good is oft interred apathetically inside."
-- Brooks Atkinson (1894 - 1984) US drama critic, journalist
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