Diddakoi Walt Whitman
Take me home...St Emilion  kay@diddakoi.com

Updated: 04/19/07

Other places to visit

The Bleat
Tightly Wound
Miss Doxie
Waiter Rant
Free The Grapes

What's on the nightstand

"The Fall of Hyperion"
by Dan Simmons



Thursday, 3 May, 2007

Birkenhead House, Hermanus, South Africa

May 3, 2007, Hermanus, South Africa

[More to follow . . .]

Quote du jour:

"The real act of marriage takes place in the heart,
not in the ballroom or church or synagogue.
It's a choice you make -- not just on your wedding day,
but over and over again --
and that choice is reflected
in the way you treat your husband or wife."

Barbara De Angelis

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