The winds died down somewhat overnight, and while it was still a little breezy this morning, the trees were no longer lying flat on the ground. The sun came out and I discovered that I had a view of the ocean from my room! Well, no, I actually had a view of a hill, but I could see two little slices of ocean on either side. I could also see the Gibbs Lighthouse from my balcony, just past the aforementioned hill. Ya know, Bermuda is actually kind of pretty!
Got a message from Richard. He said that my friends Colleen and Billy stopped by to see THE HOUSE and he gave them a tour. They just finished remodeling a house - Billy did most of the work himself - and they moved in a few weeks ago. Billy has been very interested in the warehouse renovation - the sight of the actual project may have put an end to that though!
I was in a bad mood this morning, instigated primarily by having to deal with our office's remote communications program, "PAL." Not exactly sure what it stands for, but I am quickly inventing my own names for it. It takes FOREVER to get or send an e-mail, and I was trying to do both before leaving. In the background, maintenance was hammering something in the room above me, housekeeping kept trying to make up my room and someone needed to check my mini-bar. I was becoming a touch surly.
The road to surliness took a slight detour during the ride to the airport - once the sun was out and the winds calmed, the island was once again beautiful. Upon arrival at the airport my mood proceeded to surly and then right on to vile when the ticket agent advised that the inbound plane had not yet left Philly - it was an hour late and counting. Probably wouldn't have bothered me were it not for for this morning's irritants combined with the fact that I have a dinner tonight with a visting reinsurer. My colleague Shari kindly selected a restaurant near my condo so I didn't have far to travel, but I had hoped for a little time at home before having to go out.
The plane finally arrived and we took off an hour late. We made up some time in the air and I got home a little after 4:00. Spent some time at home before heading out to dinner. The really bizarre thing is that it is warmer here in Philly than it was in Bermuda. Sixty degrees when I walked over to the restaurant.
[Who would have thunk it?]
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Quote du jour:
"Delay is the deadliest form of denial."
-- C. Northcote Parkinson (1909 - 1993)
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