Jan's Blog Flower



Now reading . . .

"Sewing Circles of Herat"
by Christina Lamb

"Other Colors"
by Orhan Pamuk

December 2, 2008

A bundle of memories

The tables and chairs are folded up and put away. The linens have been laundered. The refrigerator is full of wonderful leftovers. Thanksgiving is over and all that is left are the bowl that Bernie’s salad was in, a bottle sparkling cider and a bundle of memories.

Just as one warms one’s hand over an open fire, so one warms one’s heart over a bundle of memories. I have been thinking of the fun we had, the laughter, the food, the planning for a family trip – Africa in 2010 - and the warmth of family and love. We have a wonderful family – both sides. We heard about Jordan’s trip to Egypt to share skateboards and the Gospel with young Egyptians. We admired the great job that Jordan and Jesi are doing with Micah. What a nice little boy – so well behaved. We oohed and aahed over Mary’s pecan pie and ate it up. We thought that Jim really deserved his promotion. We laughed as Ron, Jim and Mark threw the football around on the front lawn. Would it be Thanksgiving without it? We remembered that the last time we hosted Thanksgiving Mur was with us. What a time of collecting those memories.

Kay and Gary worked like troopers – Gary worked on my computer, carved the turkey and cleaned the bones so I could make soup. Kay worked all day Thanksgiving and then Friday, she worked in the garage and went through all of her toys and books and cataloged them as well so I can give them or sell them. We went out for dinner and afterward when they left I hugged them extra tight, hating to see them leave. One never knows what will transpire and when we will be together again.

And so I remind myself to live each day as though it is the last and to warm my heart over the newest bundle of memories.

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