Wide awake at 3:30 this morning. I felt like I was back in Hawaii again. I went to bed around 9:30 last night, so maybe my body has decided that six hours sleep is just dandy. Uh huh. Let's revisit that thought around 4:00 p.m. today, shall we?
So, I turned on the TV and found "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" on AMC. Ironically, I had seen that it was on last night around 9:00, but decided to take a soak in the tub instead, with a mental note to put it on my Netflix queue for future viewing. So I watched that until 4:45, showered, got dressed and was at work by 6:15. There's something peaceful yet, not surprisingly, disturbing about watching the dawn break from one's office window.
An interesting revelation last night. The Alien likes eggplant parmesan. I made it last night and didn't finish the last few bites. She was pestering me the whole time - I figured she must smell the cheese - so I put the plate down on the floor, fully expecting to see her back up with that cat look of utter revulsion on her face. But when I returned from the kitchen a couple of minutes later, it was gone. Completely. Licked clean.
I guess it shouldn't have surprised me - she's always had a taste for non-cat foods, especially junk food. She enjoys potato chips, pizza, french fries, cheese steaks, and will literally climb up your body to get to a powdered sugar donut. And now eggplant parmesan. At least there's no question about what she is - a true South Philly cat.
[Yo Alien! It's me, Rocky!]
I watched "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" on DVD last night. I had seen it when it first came out, and thought it was great, but it didn't do much for me this time. Oh well. I'm sure it doesn't indicate anything frightening, like maturity.
Just heard that my cousins Jen and Selso welcomed their new daughter Isabella Marialucia at 10:04 p.m. on the 26th. She weighs 8 pounds and is 19 1/2 inches long just like her big sister Davis was. Congratulations! Mom has to share her birthday now.
And more news! Andrew and Ellen - my friends in the office who have been dating for five years - got engaged on Christmas Day! About time! The wedding will probably be sometime late 2002 or early 2003 - but they haven't decided where. Andrew is British, so they may decide to have the wedding in England - who knows?
The Laptop is still incommunicado, so to speak. Ana is, unfortunately, swamped today and won't be able to work on it [beat the thing with a stick] until sometime next week. Alas, this means that Diddakoi must take a hiatus for the weekend, since I cannot get on-line at home. But it should give me time to write up a nice selection for Monday, neh? And sleep, yes, I think sleep would be a good thing...
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Quote du jour:
"I'm anal retentive. I'm a workaholic. I have insomnia. And I'm a control freak. That's why I'm not married. Who could stand me?"
Madonna (1958 - ____) US singer, actress
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