Diddakoi Walt Whitman
Take me home...St Emilion  kay@diddakoi.com

Updated: 26/12/07

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The Bleat
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"The Belgariad"
by David Eddings



Wednesday, 26 December, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom! I have to imagine that it is a bit tiresome to have one's birthday so close to Christmas. I'm sure she's been short-changed on the present front for years, poor thing.

She and Dad certainly did not short-change us on Christmas presents this year though. In addition to the myriad of books, DVDs and new potholders (thanks, Dad!), they gave us a Sony video camera! I'm not sure of the model, but it is tiny - fits in the palm of a hand. We were completely and happily surprised - it was far too generous.

In keeping with the electronics theme, Gary gave me a new Sony digital camera, to replace the one that flooded in Belize earlier this year. That was my first (and I believe ONLY) attempt at underwater photography - I think I'll just keep my job as "spotter" for Gary in the future. It did give me an appreciation for how amazing his photos are, though. The only pictures I got were of random coral formations and fish butts, and I doubt that I could ever approach the level of his shots.

Speaking of shots, he also gave me a wonderful gift that is now sitting and distracting me in my office. It's a digital picture frame - it looks just like a nice 5 x 7 frame, but it displays digital pictures. I loaded a selection of photos from Africa and it plays a slideshow of them - very cool, but I keep watching it!

[What a fun trip.]


[Only about 1,000 more needed for our Wine Cellar Wall!]

Quote du jour:

"No photographer is as good as the simplest camera."

Edward Steichen (1879 - 1973) US photographer

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