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Updated: 12/07/04

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Tuesday, 07 December, 2004

Sixty-three years ago.

Pearl Harbor Attack

Pearl Harbor Attack

[Truly infamous.]

Looks like I'm too late to take advantage of the feline special being offered by Trinity Southern University - they've been shut down.

HARRISBURG, Pa. — The Pennsylvania attorney general's office Monday sued an online university for allegedly selling bogus academic degrees — including an MBA awarded to a cat.

Trinity Southern University in Texas, a cellular company and the two brothers who ran them are accused of misappropriating Internet addresses of the state Senate and more than 60 Pennsylvania businesses to sell fake degrees and prescription drugs by spam e-mail, according to the lawsuit.

Investigators paid $299 for a bachelor's degree for Colby Nolan — a deputy attorney general's 6-year-old black cat — claiming he had experience including baby-sitting and retail management.

The school, which offers no classes, allegedly determined Colby Nolan's resume entitled him to a master of business administration degree; a transcript listed the cat's course work and 3.5 grade-point average.

[Shoot, Suki would have loved to have gotten her MBA.]

Have to go to New York tomorrow. And again on Monday. Luckily it's trains, not planes tomorrow - which is a good thing since they're predicting high winds again - and I can go up, have a meeting and be back in Philly within six hours.


Quote du jour:

"A college education shows a man how little other people know."

-- Thomas C. Haliburton (1796 - 1865) Canadian jurist

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