So . . . after Ernesto passed, Monday was sunny. One decent day on the beach out of ten, and then we came home. Oh well, hopefully next year will be better. The cat was, of course, delighted to see us. And not only because she had eaten ALL THREE BOWLS of food that I left out for her.
Suki has been just a bit clingy since our return. Actually, she almost won't let me out of her sight - now I know how Mom felt when I was two years old. Gary gets attention as well - if he gets up to go in the other room, she'll wait a while and then go looking for him. I have overheard several conversations between them, which generally run something like this:
Suki: "Meow!"
Gary: "What is it?"
Suki: "Meow!"
Gary: "Do you want something?"
Suki: "Meow!"
Gary: "Oh, you want me to pet you."
Suki: "*purr*"
[Which I think means, "Well, duh!" in cat.]
The fall travel will begin in about ten days. I am going to Munich and London for a couple of days the third week of September, back to London sometime the first week in October, a special combined trip to both Bermuda AND London the third week in October [ugh], out to Seattle the end of the first week in November through the beginning of the next, off to Scottsdale for a couple of days and then home, and finally back out to California for Thanksgiving.
[And all this with no carry on luggage!]
[Only 7,114 more needed for our Wine Cellar Wall.]
Quote du jour:
"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it."
George Moore (1852 - 1933) Irish author, poet, dramatist
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