It was nice earlier today, but has gotten very windy this afternoon and very cloudy. I have a feeling that tomorrow's Lobster Bake at Nick's will be a bit soggy.
Jeff wants to know what the plans are for Thanksgiving. It looks as though it will be:
Mom & Dad
Jeff & Lucia
Pam & Ron
Aunt Mur
[The HOUSE better be done in time!]
Despite the fact that Ron doesn't necessarily want every minute of the visit scripted, I decided to help out by compiling a list of things to do in and around Philadelphia. I'll keep it as a sidebar link at least until after Thanksgiving.
Mom called - they were booking their flights and wanted to make sure the dates were OK. I think they'll stay for ten days or two weeks. Unfortunately it's a pretty busy time of year in the office, so I probably won't get much time off, but at least there will be plenty of people to hang around with!
[And plenty to do.]
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Quote du jour:
"It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do."
-- Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915) US publisher, author
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