Diddakoi Walt Whitman
Take me home...St Emilion  kay@diddakoi.com

Updated: 08/22/06

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What's on the nightstand

by Neal Stephenson



Tuesday, 22 August, 2006

Iwo Jima is Japanese for "Sulphur Island." I just finished a part of the book I'm reading, Cryptonomicom, talking about the battle on Iwo Jima during WWII.


Joe Rosenthal died on Sunday in Novato, California at age 94. He took the photo above and it is one that captured forever the spirit and determination of the Marines in World War II.

Actually, I think it went beyond even the moment and even the Marines. In my mind, it really spoke to the hardships and sacrifices that were made by millions of servicemen and women who in many cases gave everything they had to fight for freedom and democracy.

In 1999, New York University published its list of the Top 100 Works of Journalism In the United States in the 20th Century. Mr. Rosenthal's photo is number 68. I'm not sure that I would have ranked it below not one, but two Tom Wolfe novels, but there ya go.

[Guess that's why NYU doesn't ask for my opinion.]

When I first got Suki, she adopted a stuffed yellow mouse toy. When I would come home after work, Yellow Mouse would be lying right in front of the door in the foyer. When I went to bed, she would carry Yellow Mouse into the room and present it to me. I got the feeling that she was trying to let me know that I didn't have to go away - that she could provide us with plenty of mice (or mouse, as was the case). Yellow Mouse actually got to be more like "Yellow with grey band around his middle from having Suki carry it around in her mouth Mouse" after a while, but she loved it. Then one day, Yellow Mouse disappeared.

The fate of Yellow Mouse is still a mystery. When I moved, I figured that we would find him somewhere, but no. I imagine that he may have gotten dropped in a trash basket at some point. We had several other mice just like it - one green, one purple, one grey - but Suki had no interest in them.

A couple of years ago, Gary sent me flowers - well, actually he does that a lot! What a guy! Anyway, this particular arrangement included a small stuffed teddy bear. The bear sat on my dresser for a while. Then one day, a few months after Yellow Mouse vanished, I came home to find the bear on the bedroom floor. I put him back on the dresser; the next day he was down again. This went on for a while, until I finally gave in and left him on the floor. When we moved, the bear made the trip too.

Yellow Bear

The stuffed teddy was officially renamed "Yellow Bear". As you can see, he's actually not really yellow, more of a tan, but he has apparently taken the place of the much loved Yellow Mouse. The strange thing about him is that we have never seen Suki pick him up.


When we come home, Yellow Bear is almost always in a different place, and usually on a different floor than he was when we left. Suki completely ignores him when we are home, but sometime between 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., he moves. Cat or poltergeist?

I have decided to try to track Yellow Bear's movements. When we left the house yesterday morning, he was on the landing of the stairs. When we returned, he was between the kitchen and dining table. Tonight?

[Who knows?]


[Only 7,189 more needed for our Wine Cellar Wall.]

Quote du jour:

"I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words Bother me."

A. A. Milne (1882 - 1965) English humorist, children's author
Winnie-the-Pooh, Ch. 4.

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