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Updated: 08/20/02

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Tuesday, 20 August, 2002

Well, Richard and Oscar aren't speaking to each other, so I get to play the translator. Oh, what fun. When I went there yesterday, there were some problems with the main staircase - like, the steps aren't level - so I told Oscar I'd stop back this afternoon and go over it with him. Ya know, you'd think that they might understand that if they don't do it right the first time, they'll have to DO IT AGAIN.

[Guess that concept is eluding them.]

I want to go to Denver. Well, no, I really don't want to go to Denver, but I heard about a really cool hotel there. It is called the Monaco, and it looks very nice - lots of amenities and services, an attached spa and they're pet-friendly, even going so far as to have a Jack Russell Terrier, Lily, on staff to greet the incoming pets.

Lily, the Monaco Doggie Concierge

But this part cracks me up - it's called the Guppy Love Program:

If Fido isn’t able to join you during your stay at the downtown Hotel Monaco, we would be happy to share one of our pets with you. Upon request, we can deliver a complimentary goldfish companion to your guest room. Rest assured, all you need to do is enjoy your temporary pet…we’ll handle the care and feeding.

During your stay, the goldfish will be happy to provide you with the perfect kind of companionship, relaxed and quiet. Be sure to name your temporary pet!

The hotel's reasoning is thus:

"In this day and age, when people spend so much time traveling, it's nice to have a touch of home. We always offer our guests a goldfish to stay with them. Most nights about 40 to 80 guests accept the goldfish."

OK, so maybe not a good enough reason to go to Denver, but it's a neat idea. Ah, but there's one in Seattle. And Maura mentioned going up to visit the team in Seattle this fall . . .

[Suki would love it!]

~ ~ ~

Quote du jour:

"So long, and thanks for all the fish."

-- Douglas Adams (1952 - ____) English novelist
The dolphins' farewell message to humanity,
in "So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish,"
Ch. 31, 1984

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