I picked up Suki yesterday afternoon. The vet said she had been running a fever that they attributed to an allergic reaction to the kitty pain patch, so they removed it. Along with a patch of her hair, poor thing.
She is a bit subdued, and sleepy. Not surprising I guess. She is walking a bit gingerly, but purrs up a storm. She is eating, but not as much as before.
[Which is good.]
I got a note from Maura's former secretary, Kathleen. She had been Maura's secretary for seven years, leaving about three years ago when her husband got a new job in Delaware. She had written to me about a month ago telling me that they were now moving to Hartford, and wondered if I knew of any secretarial openings in the area. I contacted the head of our Hartford office and he told me that my timing was perfect - his assistant was leaving and he was looking for someone. Long story short, Kathleen interviewed for the job, they made an offer and she is starting on September 3rd! And as luck would have it, there is a day care center in the same building as the office with an opening for a two year old, so she already found a place for her son Gavin. What great news!
I went bicycling today,before it got too ridiculously hot. Then stopped at the Asian Supermarket to get a few things. I forget about that place when I'm buying groceries and I really shouldn't. It's not much further than the supermarket I usually go to and the prices are so much better. I mean, yeah, I'm not going to find much in the way of "normal" groceries, but the fresh veggies, fruit and seafood is amazing.
[Note to self.]
I also got some children's aspirin for Suki. The vet prescribed half a baby aspirin for Alien when she was sick, so I thought that might help take the edge off.
Other than that - a pretty quiet day. A little TV, a little nap on the couch, leftovers for dinner.
All in all, a satisfying way to spend a hot August Saturday.
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Quote du jour:
"I don't generally feel anything until noon, then it's time for my nap."
-- Bob Hope (1903 - ____) US comedian, actor
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