It was a beautiful evening here. The remnants of Tropical Storm Bill passed by us by late afternoon, and they are predicting warm, sunny weather for the holiday weekend. When I got home, I opened the balcony doors and did a few things around the house.
After a while, I went to look for Suki. She wasn't on the balcony, so I went and looked inside for her.
No cat.
I went back outside and noticed that a piece of wire screen that had been blocking an opening to the ledge outside the balcony was pushed away. I leaned over and looked at my neighbor's balcony - and there she was. I called to her . . . and she turned and walked to the NEXT neighbor's balcony.
So I got to meet one of my neighbors down the hall. I knocked on the door, and a guy answered. "You're looking for your cat?," he said. She was just scooting over to the next condo as I went out - to her credit, she did turn around and come back.
[Needless to say, the balcony is off limits now.]
Wonderful news from Eva today: her racehorse, Mr. Reins, won his first race! It was a claiming race, meaning that for a set price, someone could arrange to buy the horse, but she didn't know if he was claimed. As Eva said, it would be OK if he was claimed as they don't see him being a money maker and they are trying to cut their losses.
[We both agreed that we've dated some guys like this.]
Mom and Dad called this evening. Mom's sister, Aunt Junie, had eye surgery today and is already home and doing fine. Mom is flying to Montana on the 17th and staying until the end of the month. That will be really nice for her to be out there - and I know that Junie and Cousin Carol will appreciate it.
And Dad can spend the time watching DVD's! They have been renting quite a few of them lately, and when I was toodling around Amazon the other day I sent a couple to them - including one of our favorites, Little Big Man.
Quote du jour:
"Invisible! I've never been invisible before!"
-- Old Lodge Skins, "Little Big Man"
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