So, I am mortgage-less. The Pier 3 condo was sold today, after a last minute hiccup. I got a call yesterday evening from the realtor saying that there wasa problem with the buyer's mortgage and we couldn't have the closing as scheduled in the morning. Perhaps Friday?
Err, NO, I said. I have a bid on another property that has a contingency that this settlement will go through tomorrow. So, make it happen.
Luckily, they were able to get everything straightened out and we had the closing in the afternoon. As it turns out, the buyer is a woman, a doctor in fact, who has lived at the Pier since 1993. That's two years longer than I lived there. She has rented the entire time, and finally was in a position to buy about two weeks before my place went on the market. I had planned to spackle, paint, re-carpet, but she was willing to buy as is and fix it up herself. She said, "I'm glad you didn't recarpet, because I am terribly allergic and would have to have pulled it up anyway." She's putting down bamboo floor instead - just like at the warehouse.
Anyway, we finally got everything straightened out and I deposited the proceeds into my bank account on the way home.
[It's nice to see the extra zeros in the account.]
Mom and Dad came home yesterday. We leave tomorrow afternoon and will stop by and pick them up on Saturday and take them to the service. I think we will try to see Mur in the afternoon before we head back to LAX.
Now that the condo is sold, we were able to take the contingency off the bid for the place in Ventnor. we should hear tomorrow if we are successful.
[Touch wood.]
Quote du jour:
"In a real estate man's eyes, the most exclusive part of the city is wherever he has a house to sell."
-- Will Rogers (1879 - 1935) US actor, lecturer, humorist
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