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Updated: 06/22/03

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no more rain

Sunday, 22 June, 2003

Enough with the rain already! It is - finally - summer, so hopefully we are through with this miserable wet, seemingly never-ending weather we have had all spring. It got in a final shot, giving us flooding rains all day Friday and a general damp and grey weekend. But tomorrow it's supposed to be sunny and about 90 degrees.

[No sense of moderation here - all or nothing.]

Ellen and I had a great dinner with George on Thursday to celebrate his birthday. OK, we were a couple of months late, but it takes a while to get the schedules aligned. We went to Kristian's in South Philly - very tasty Italian. It was a nice evening.

I took Friday off, hoping to get outside and bike or skate, but the rain didn't let up all day. I ran some errands - I bought a papper shredder, which the cat thought was for her:

Suki in the shredder

On Saturday I went to the warehouse and finalized paints for the walls. I have some photos, which I will hopefully get a chance to post in the next few days. It is moving - just slowly.

Saturday evening was a party for Anne's birthday. It was nice to see Anne and Jeffrey's re-done house, meet their new daughter, Amelia, and catch up with friends.

This morning, my friend Gary came into town and we went skating in the park. It was nice to see him and to get out and enjoy being outdoors.

The rest of the afternoon was quiet. I spoke to Mom and Dad and we talked about where to go after Jim and Jacque's anniversary trip to Scotland in October 2004. Jeff is talking about Amsterdam or London, either of which would likely be fun, but I think I might want something a little warmer at that time of year. Maybe Portugal or Spain? We'll see.

[Hopefully the rain in Spain isn't as persistent as the rain in Philly.]

~ ~ ~

Quote du jour:

"The good rain, like a bad preacher, does not know when to leave off."

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) US philosopher, poet, essayist

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