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Updated: 06/21/02

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Friday, 21 June, 2002

This is my favorite day of the year. First day of summer, longest day of the year.

Or so I thought until yesterday. My client Rick told me that as a result of the refraction of the sun's light and the fact that the Earth is actually pear-shaped, this is actually NOT the longest day. But at any rate, it was a lovely evening as I sat outside on my balcony.

It was with a bit of trepidation that I went to work today. I wasn't sure if Suki would consider this a reason to trash the condo again. Luckily she was fine when I got home, so apparently a few hours is OK.

She desperately wants to go outside, but she has developed a nasty habit of slinking through the bars on the balcony and trying to tiptoe across to the neighbors' balcony - three stories above the hard cement below. I had fenced off half of the balcony before - Alien had ventured over to the neighbors' on several occasions, so I eliminated most of her escape routes. Suki has demonstrated that she is not impressed by partial efforts, so this afternoon I rolled out some galvanized wire fencing and closed off the remaining areas.

[I'm sure she appreciates it. Ha!]

I tuned into the US vs. Germany World Cup match on a play-by-play website this morning, but unfortunately we lost. But I think that this will be a big boost for "soccer" in America. So many of my friends' children play, and having traveled throughout Europe, we are the only nation of any significance that doesn't embrace the sport.

Mom sent me a cute e-mail that she got from Maura. I can assure you, none of my other clients correspond with my mother. Mom called tonight from Aunt Mur's house in Palm Desert. They've been having such fun and it was great to talk to her.

My friend Keith will be in Philly from London on Sunday and I am looking to seeing him. He has the most adorable boys, Edward and William, and I look forward to the pictures he sends every few months. Keith has offered a nickname for Suki, based on her performance art demolition of my condo - "The Phantom Wrecker." Love it!

I've just been calling her a name from the movie Ghostbusters:

Gozar The Destructor.

[I think either one fits.]

~ ~ ~

Quote du jour:

"Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction."

-- Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973) Spanish painter, sculptor

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