It's weird. It's also strange that the stairs and escalators are in the same places as their predecessors. A bizarre feeling of not-quite deja vu.
But at least one thing was the same - I still got lost on my way to my meeting. When I first started going up to New York years ago, I used to be able to find my way to the Home Insurance Company's office from the Trade Center - and that was it. If I needed to find my way anywhere else downtown, I had to walk to the Home first and then proceed to wherever my destination was. Even after the Home went out of business, it was still my reference landmark.
Yesterday I decided to try to find the office without going to the Home first. It was a lovely, scenic stroll down to Water Street - the long way. Made it, finally, but decided to do better on my way back in the afternoon. Cut across the street, dodged a taxi or two, a couple of blocks then a left turn . . . and there I am, right in front of the Home.
[Deja vu all over again.]
Quote du jour:
"All that is gold does not glitter; not all those that wander are lost."
-- J. R. R. Tolkien (1892 - 1973) English novelist, scholar
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