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Updated: 04/16/02

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Tuesday, 16 April, 2002

Powdered sugar donuts. That's the answer to the question of what The Alien wants to eat. She always used to go NUTS over them, but it's probably been a dozen years since she's had one. I bought a small package of Tastycakes donuts and put a little piece of one under her nose. She wolfed most of it down and began looking for more! I can tell that it hurts her to eat, so I was surprised that she ate as much as she did. A little later I broke up another one and she ate a good portion of that too.

I heard that my cousin Carol has to have surgery for an abdominal tumor. We're all praying that everything goes well with her surgery tomorrow. She went to work today because it is their busy season and she hadn't gotten everything done yet - what a trooper!

Given that yesterday I again voiced my negative opinion about the recent slavery reparation lawsuits, I suppose my reaction to my own city's mayor's comments may be construed as racist, but hear me out. On Sunday Philadelphia's Mayor John Street spoke to a regional NAACP gathering, touting the high-ranking positions held by minorities in Philadlephia city government. And that's great, because Philadelphia has a large minority base and it should be well-represented. But the way he said it was, ummm, interesting:

"The brothers and sisters are running the city," he exclaimed with an open hand reaching into the air. "The brothers and sisters are running this city. Running it! Don't you let nobody fool you, we are in charge of the City of Brotherly Love. We are in charge!"

My complaint? If Mayor Street was white, and bragged about having his "brothers and sisters" running the city, he would be crucified. Mayor Street, you lead MY city, you are MY mayor, and even if you are not the person I voted for, I support you in your position. It was not because of your color that I didn't vote for you, but rather your politics. Please do not demean me in my position as a voting, tax-paying citizen of the City of Brotherly Love, by rubbing my nose in the fact that we are not the same color. It is offensive, wrong, and short-sighted.

Remember what I said about it always being cold in April? Well, forget about it! We set a record high in Philly today and it's supposed to be even warmer tomorrow.

[I guess we've had our alloted three days of spring.]

~ ~ ~

Quote du jour:

"Among famous traitors of history
one might mention the weather."

--Ilka Chase (1905 - 1978) US actress, writer

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