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Updated: 01/29/02

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Just Checking: Scenes from the Life of an Obsessive-Compulsive
by Emily Colas

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what item will set the security sensors off

Tuesday, 29 January, 2002

Ya'll are envious. No, no, don't deny it. I can tell. Here I am flaunting the fact that I get to go to Columbus, Ohio, and you don't. I am cruel.

[And unusual.]

So I shall post this before I leave for the airport this afternoon. How excited am I about dealing with the long lines for security at the Useless Air terminal? Ahhhh. . . let me count the ways. . .

It may surprise you to know that the trip to Columbus is actually business, as opposed to the trip to Curacao which was, well . . . NOT. Or the annual pilgrimage to Monte Carlo, which is, errrr, "monkey business". I'll see if I can find a nice postcard of Columbus at the airport - maybe that will make it feel more like a vacation.

[Uh huh.]

Here were the best words I read today - in an e-mail from the head of our IT department:

"The company has requested that I order a new laptop for you. Here are the spec's, let me know what to order or if you have any questions."

Soon. . . very soon. . .

~ ~ ~

Quote du jour:

"Every morning, I get up and look through
the 'Forbes' list of the richest people in America.
If I'm not there, I go to work. "

-- Robert Orben (1927 - ____)

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