The "Axis of Weasels" story I reported yesterday from has taken on a life of its own. Via Instapundit:
Just before 9 AM EST CNN reported that a viewer had responded via e-mail to its Axes of Weasels story.
The viewer suggested Saddam be forced into exile in Germany; allowed to take it over; and then invade France.
In a "coup de grace" move, so to speak, here's the front page headline of the New York Post today:
AXIS OF WEASELS: Germany and France Wimp Out on Iraq
And finally, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Check it out.
It's going to be a short post tonight, although there is so much stuff going on out there. But I'll leave you with another Rumsfeld goodie. This from, who imagines his own Rummy press conference. Enjoy!
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Quote du jour:
"Today's gossip is tomorrow's headline."
-- Walter Winchell (1897 - 1972) US journalist, broadcaster
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