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Updated: 01/23/04

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by Laura Hillenbrand


single digits

Friday, 23 January, 2004

Bermuda was a little cool and blustery. We almost needed our umbrellas a couple of times. Definitely not beach weather.

[But a heck of a lot warmer than Philly.]

Tomorrow I leave again - for London this time. Quick trip - again, back on Wednesday - again. I am going to meet a friend for lunch on Sunday and another friend for a drink on Monday or Tuesday evening. And hopefully have some very good business meetings in between.

[But no Bermuda weather.]

A hiking magazine published in the UK is eating a bit of crow this week. It seems the directions they gave for hiking a mountain were a little off:

LONDON (Reuters) - A hiking magazine has apologised after it published a route plan that would have sent walkers striding into thin air off the north face of Britain's largest mountain, Ben Nevis.

The magazine, Trail, missed out a vital bearing needed to guide climbers off the summit of the Scottish mountain in bad weather.

Anyone who had followed the magazine's directions would have plunged down a sheer cliff into nearby Gardyloo Gully.

Editor Guy Procter, himself a keen hillwalker, said that Trail published 200 routes every year and had never made a similar mistake before.

"I should have picked it up at the final proofreading stage, but unfortunately it slipped through," he told Reuters on Thursday. The error was spotted by the Mountaineering Council of Scotland, which published a warning about the "dangerous bearing" on their website.

Procter said he was confident his readers always carried maps while hill-walking and would therefore immediately notice the error.

[One would hope].

Quote du jour:

"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves."

-- Edmund Hillary (1919 - ____)
New Zealander mountaineer, explorer

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