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Updated: 01/02/03

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by Clea Simon



Friday, 03 January, 2003

Have I mentioned how wonderful my parents are? A box arrived today, nine days AFTER Christmas with two books, two vegetable peelers (I think that's a commentary on the peeler I have), a silk pillowcase for the travel pillow they sent for Christmas, and a marvelous down lap blanket. It is just the right size for snuggling up on the couch and reading. Just terrific, and the cat has already claimed it as acceptable.

This afternoon our office had a late lunch with a client's office in town. We went to a local pizza place and they served us a variety of salads, pizzas, and pastas. It was well presented and quite tasty, especially for 40 people. At the lunch from our client's office were: George, Doug, Tony, Sean, David D, Vic, Ed, John K, Art P, Art B, Pat, David S, Tom, Ted, Susan, Ed, Neil, and Nicole. It was great to spend time with everyone, although we decided that next year we would move the lunch to a later date when we weren't still going nuts with our placements.

With all of the recent talk about the Chinese Zodiac, I decided I should just present all of them for your reading pleasure. Not that I KNOW what years apply to anyone mind you [wink, wink], here are the first two, starting with 2003. The descriptions originate in some sort of declared "fact", but have undergone certain modifications.


I would note that the 2003 Chinese New Year does not begin until sometime in February, but what the heck.

Year of the Sheep
Years: 1919 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003

Those born in the Year of the Sheep are said to be charming, elegant and artistic, who like material comforts. Nothing says, "Yeah, Baby", like a Sheep relaxing in a hot tub. A bit of a worrier they also have a tendency to complain about things. Jobs as actors, gardeners, reinsurance buyers or beachcombers would suit. Most sheep like to believe that they are leaders, but other animals know the truth. Sheep can be somewhat pushy at times, but the effective use of a prod or Australian Sheep Dog may be of help.

Year of the Monkey
Years: 1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004

If you are born in the Year of the Monkey, you are very intelligent, well-liked by everyone, and will have success in any field you choose. Lucky old you! Of course Monkeys tend to listen to everything they hear, so they are notoriously eager to believe whatever press is at hand. Monkeys are - annoyingly - usually right about things, which pisses off the other animals to no end. Monkeys make excellent salespeople and reinsurance brokers, right up until the point when someone says "No", after which the Monkey must be dragged off the scene, still screaming and flinging.

[More to come.]

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Quote du jour:

"There's a black sheep in every flock."

-- Traditional Proverb

"Remember, even monkeys fall out of trees."

-- Korean Proverb

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