Stoneykirk Con Tiki
1993 sorrel Belgian stallion
Breyer SM "Belgian" original finish
TBM Mark®
JJM's Congolaise Jay®
Orndorff's Highland Congolaise®
Congolaise® |
Orndorff's Highland Sue® |
Orndorff's Highland June®
Conqueror's Warrior® |
Orndorff's Highland Lassie® |
TBM Heidi®
TBM Don's Bob®
Don Vic Farceur® |
Shady Lane Jennifer® |
Tuscora Cindy®
Bill's Conelda®
Nesbitt's Bill®
1970 sorrel |
Smithside King®
Bob Farceur® |
Jay's Dixie Farceur® |
Conqueror's Silver Lady®
1959 sorrel |
Penn State Conqueror® |
Pervenche's Lady® |
Orndorff's Congolaise Lola®
Conquest® |
Miss Matilda® |
Orndorff's Lola®
Penn State Conqueror® |
Tripsee's Lola® |
First Foal Crop: 1996
1996 - Stoneykirk Diedra, sorrel Belgian filly out of Stoneykirk Rose Command. Owned by Kat Bryant/TMS Stables.
1999 - JS Tiki, blonde sorrel Belgian colt out of Contrava. Owned by Hannah Jameson/Jameson Stables.
2000 - Stoneykirk Tiki Knight, flaxen chestnut Belgian colt out of SLR Jubilee. Owned by Natasha Powers/Powers Farm, FL.
2000 - Meadow Brook Delta Ann, chestnut Belgian filly out of Lone Pine Delta Joy®. Owned by Cory Hartung/Double Hart Ranch.
2001 - Au Contraire, blonde sorrel Belgian colt out of Contrava. Owned by Kari Filipi/Thundervalley Farm.
2001 - BRD Authentic Rose, champagne American Cream Draft filly out of Champagne Rose. Owned by Valerie Kingsley/Brackenroad Stables.
2001 - FSR French Belle, sorrel Belgian filly out of SLR Jubilee. Owned by Distant Fire Ridge.
2002 - TF's Queen Bee, light sorrel Belgian filly out of Stoneykirk Supreme Rose. Owned by Linda Ransom/Trumpet Farm.
2002 - Dame Ipomoea Attica, flaxen chestnut Belgian colt out of Contrava. Owned by Katie George/Tier Forêt.
2003 - Adelmo, sorrel Belgian colt out of SLR Jubilee. Owned by Martha Gallant/Three Ribbons Stables.
2004 - Miss Napoleon, sorrel Belgian filly out of Contrava. Owned by Autumn Rupert/Twilight Mirkwood.
2005 - DWS Johnny Rocket, sorrel Belgian colt out of SLR Jubilee. Owned by Kelly Marlett/Dragon Wings Stables.
2006 - BRD Bellatrix, light sorrel Belgian colt out of Contrava. Owned by Valerie Kingsley/Brackenroad Stables.
2008 - Oakwood Supreme Conelda, sorrel Belgian filly out of Oakwood Supreme Lil. Bred and owned by Cindi Nakagawa/Indigo Creek Stables.
2008 - Stoneykirk Con Sent, light sorrel Belgian colt out of YCDS Sandra®. Owned by Kay Myers/Caballos Del Mar.
2009 - Stoneykirk Ivi Rose, chestnut Belgian filly out of Stoneykirk Supreme Rose. Owned by Mary Vinyard/Rocking M Ranch.
2010 - Stoney Contrava Con Tiki, blond sorrel Belgian colt out of Contrava. Owned by Ruthie's Ranch.
2012 - Stoneykirk Connie Cook, flaxen liver chestnut Belgian filly out of Contrava. Owned by Natasha Powers/Powers Farm, FL.
2014 - Dropspace V, flaxen chestnut Belgian colt out of Contrava. Owned by Holly Goldman-Craig/Visions.