September 27
Birthday Fallout
My family went overboard with new models for my birthday this year - yay, family! Plus, I finally got around to PA-ing several models that have been giving me the stink eye for not providing them with identities for, err, months. I have also updated all the mares' open years and all the show records, whew! So here are the new additions:
- Just Smokin, 1998 bay dun QH mare (Breyer SM G3 Standing Stock Horse 2007 JCP SR OF)
- Glenshaw's Gold Nugget, 1997 palomino roan (florentine) tobiano Shetland Pony mare (Breyer Shetland 2013 Vintage Club "Diamonds" OF)
- Double Dealin, 2007 palomino sabino QH stallion (Breyer Carrick OF)
- Glenshaw's Ranger Smith, 2010 blue roan (copenhagen) tobiano Shetland Pony stallion (Breyer Shetland 2013 Vintage Club "Denim" OF)
- CDM Maid Of Honor, 2004 palomino Morgan mare (Lakeshore Miz Charisma OF)
- Samovar, 2007 chestnut sabino Arabian stallion (Breyer Ashquar OF)
- Dunelm Lestrade, 2007 bay Clydesdale stallion (Breyer Classic Clydesdale Resin OF)
- Hedonism, 2002 black tobiano Pintabian stallion (Breyer Black Tie Affair OF)
- Love On The Line, 2003 chestnut tobiano (homozygous) Paint mare (Breyer SM G2 TB CM by Shawn McNeely)
- Ewelina, 1997 chestnut Arabian mare (CollectA Arabian Mare OF)
- Wohali, 1993 grulla Spanish Mustang mare (CollectA Mustang Mare OF)
I have also added a "Naming Rules and Conventions" section to the Breeding Rules page to outline some of the naming conventions for different breeds. Some of them are very specific, others are suggestions. For an even more detailed chart of many of the breeds, please visit the IPABRA website.
And...that's it for now. I have more horses yet to PA, and several new ones that don't even have photos yet. We will be home next weekend so I am hoping that the weather cooperates and I can get out and get my pictures taken. I *can* take pix indoors, but I much prefer the natural light on the models so hopefully we'll get a good shooting day.