"And the Lord said," 'Let there be light,' and there was light." And I agree with Him - it was good. Today is the turning point in the year, when daylight starts its campaign to stamp out dark and cold, even though winter just started yesterday. But it's heading in the right direction, hence the reason it is my favorite day of the year. What great fortitude, crawling forward with a minute more light each day, in the face of the worst of winter yet to come.
So tomorrow we are having a breakfast in the office for all the employees and their kids. It's always a fun day. It also means that - by default - we'll end up closing early, probably at 1:00. I'll go home, and pick Gary up when he's finished. He's on call Saturday, and part of the day Sunday, but at least it's not the whole weekend. We'll have his mom over for dinner on Christmas night, so we'll go grocery shopping tonight.
We had dinner with Josh and Katie last night. They're both done with school for the term and are enjoying being off. Katie chastised me for not naming the two new fish. I said it was for their own good - all those that have been named are no longer with us. But she said they should be, so now they are: Zim and Mr. Dwicky (after the Invader Zim cartoon).
[We'll see how long they last.]
Quote du jour:
"Poetry is like fish: if it's fresh, it's good; if it's stale, it's bad; and if you're not certain, try it on the cat."
Osbert Sitwell (1892 - 1969) English author
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