Diddakoi Walt Whitman
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Updated: 08/18/05

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Thursday, 18 August, 2005

Stop the presses! This may be the biggest news story of the year:

P. Diddy wants to get closer to you. And something was getting in the way. Namely, the P. in front of the Diddy. So from now on, just call him Diddy, please.

"We had to move the P. We had to simplify it. Diddy is more personal. We are entering into the age of Diddy. It's a new era," the rap mogul said in a recent interview with "Access Hollywood" to promote his upcoming hosting duties on MTV's Video Music Awards in Miami on Aug. 28.

Diddy — whose monikers have included Puff, Puff Daddy and Puffy, says Diddy is "a little bit more personal. I've let down my guard. I'm fully exposed. We are going to have a lot of fun with it. It is the return of hip-hop, rock 'n' roll superstars and they call them Diddy."

And my favorite part:

"I'm going to start talking in the third person everything."

Well, there. I feel so much better. And closer to Diddy.

[Sorry . . . Diddakoi feels so much better.]

Quote du jour:

"A sign of a celebrity is that his name is often worth more than his services."

Daniel Boorstin (1914 - ____) US historian

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