Diddakoi Walt Whitman
Take me home...St Emilion  kay@diddakoi.com

Updated: 05/19/06

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The Bleat
Tightly Wound
Waiter Rant
Free The Grapes

What's on the nightstand

"Atlas Shrugged"
by Ayn Rand

go to nyc


Friday, 19 May, 2006

Dinner last night with Eva, Jon and John K at Amada. It's a Spanish tapas place - very, very good. We had cured meats, cheeses, fried baby anchovies, flatbreads with various toppings, roast pork, shrimp, octopus. Delicious. And the saying of the evening?

"The blond boy is a loser."

This from a new Subway sandwich commercial starring Jon Lovitz, which only Eva had seen, but which was repeated a few (THIRTEEN) times over the course of the dinner.

[Perhaps the sangria made it funnier.]

Up to NYC today for a meeting and lunch. Kind of a long trip for that, but who am I to judge? On the other hand, I am judging the pitch black storm clouds and ominous thunder outside the window right now. Good thing I have my Mickey Mouse umbrella!

[It's still not Orlando though.]


[Only 7,210 more needed for our wine cellar wall.]

Quote du jour:

"Having money is rather like being a blond. It is more fun but not vital."

Mary Quant (1934 - ____) English fashion designer

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