I believe it only got up to about 25 degrees this weekend. Before wind chill. And based on the ripping winds we heard, it probably felt just a touch lower than that. I say probably since from Friday evening on, I did not set foot outside the house. Gary was on back-up, which means he doesn't have to be at the hospital, but he has to be close enough to go there in case the person on primary trauma coverage gets swamped. But no trip to the shore.
Since we already did our major grocery shopping (thank you Costco!) last weekend, we didn't really have to go anywhere. Well, Gary went to pick up dry cleaning and stopped by the corner farmer's market ("Almanac") to get fresh veggies for the week. And I did not even offer to go with since, ahem, it was cold.
So we laid low and puttered around the house. I glued many, many corks to the cellar walls, surfed for recipes, watched movies ("Proof" and "Laura") and did laundry. Oh, and used the steam room for the first time. Yes, yes, I know that we've been in the house for over a year now, but I actually hadn't gotten around to using the steam room. Hey, it works! Suki didn't like it - she stood and pawed at the door until I opened it. Then, after about ten seconds, she pawed at the door to get out.
She's pretty funny, actually. She has certain routines and she gets quite adamant about our participation in them. At night, she sleeps curled up on my right side and has been pretty good about sleeping through the night, but she certainly lets me know her displeasure if I dare to move or (*gasp*) turn over during the night. When I get up in the morning, she insists on going into the bathroom with me - if I close the door, she will put her paw under it and either pull it open or bang on it until you open it for her.
But her funniest habit is a ritual she has with Gary. In the morning, after he has his shower and is standing in the bathroom in his towel, she comes up and walks between his legs - a "pass through" as we call it. She doesn't do it to me, just him, and only in the mornings. We aren't quite sure what it means, but we know better than to argue with her.
[Only 7,248 more needed for our wine cellar wall.]
Quote du jour:
"Any ritual is an opportunity for transformation."
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